Before I knew much about soap making, I picked up these melts and pour molds on clearance. They seemed like fun just to play around with, not knowing they would not be ideal for cold process soap. When I tried that method, the soap just stuck inside and were impossible to remove. I keep learning probably the hard way because I learn by doing! However, this weekend I got around to melting some goats milk cold process soap down to make some, strawberry, apple, and rose-honey suckle bars. The blue ones were a blend called, “lick me all over.” There were some triumphs and lessons here. Firstly, utilizing Isopropyl Alcohol in a spray bottle in the mold before and after pouring seemed to help release the soap, but definitely eliminated bubbles from forming on the backs. I went a bit heavy on the gold mica but think utilizing a small brush for more precise control of color could help that. The poppy seeds in my strawberry soap went everywhere, so most likely will just mix them into the soap base after melting or leave them out altogether. Finally, there were some unblended mica colors in my green and blue soap bars. I’ve seen other soap makers use an espresso frothier to blend the color more effectively, I think that is next up on the list for equipment to try.

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